Pat Robertson, the 700 Club mastermind and one-time presidential candidate, has garnered a great deal of press in recent years. The attention is due mainly to his foaming-at-the-mouth rants about his disdain for homosexuals (just watch any episode of the 700 Club), doomsayer speeches that warn of God's vengeful wrath on humanity (as retribution for our sins), and the comical/pathetic folies surrounding his rather public slip into what can only be labeled as the early stages of senile dementia (the latter statement is just an educated guess of course).
Last week, a little news story ran where Robertson made yet another far-fetched claim, boasting that he can leg press more weight than an NFL linebacker (I'm not joking). Though the story seems to have come and gone with little fanfair. I now assume most people either believe every word the man says, or have just tired of his nonstop insanity. Myself, I still find it all somewhat intriguing.
For those of you who are still interested in watching as Mr. Robertson slips rather loudly into senality, click here for the whole story.
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